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Professional business optimization

Optimization of business allows you to customize it so that it brings the maximum money, responds well to the ideas and actions of a businessman and can learn the maximum of its energy. A businessman is a person who differs from an ordinary person by a very high level of internal energy. To assimilate all of its business should be as optimal as possible.
It should be noted that the energy of a businessman is a very valuable substance. It is more precious than gold, platinum and diamonds combined. Its high value is associated with rarity. The businessman’s energy is more precious than gold, platinum and diamonds also because without this energy no one would extract gold, platinum and diamonds, which means they would lie in the ground and would not represent any value at all.
Energy is the main asset of any businessman. Through business, a businessman converts his energy into money. There is even such a famous expression as “make money”. “Making money” means transforming a businessman’s internal energy into money, not printing it. The better a business transforms the energy of a businessman, the more money a business brings.
However, the problem is that business is not always optimal, therefore not all energy is converted into money, sometimes it is lost. In order to maximize the percentage of energy converted into money, business optimization is necessary. Business optimization is a choice for business of such business processes that do not lead to the loss of the businessman’s energy, but lead to the fact that its maximum volume is converted into money.
Business optimization should be carried out as soon as possible, because the later it is done, the more expensive it will be
One of the reasons why business is not optimal is that when creating a business, everything is done chaotically, in haste and without a look at the future. In other words, initially the business is not optimal. Such a strategy, of course, has the right to life, because life is changing very quickly, and if you do not do something today, tomorrow it may be too late. But such a strategy has limitations, again, because life is changing very quickly.
Today, this business makes a profit, and tomorrow problems. For this reason, sooner or later you have to do optimization. Business optimization should be carried out as soon as possible, because the later it is done, the more expensive it will be. There are many recipes for business optimization and almost always they are aimed at optimizing the form of business, but not its essence, and this is not correct.
For example, it may be a change in the scheme of production or sale of goods, well, or a change in the range of goods. Another recipe is to copy the business processes of more successful competitors. The third recipe is to enter another market or other market segments. There are a lot of recipes, in general, they are all good, but they are short-lived, because their possibilities are exhausted very quickly. Yes, and they look like an attempt to level the building, which was built without a foundation.
Accordingly, business optimization should begin with a search for a reliable foundation.
It is clear that before “leveling the building” or, in our case, “leveling the business”, it is necessary to lay the foundation, because its absence caused the building to become uneven. Accordingly, business optimization should begin with a search for a solid foundation. The foundation of the business, its foundation, its beginning is the idea of ​​business. It is this idea that creates energy in a businessman, which he then turns into money through business.
Of course, for many years, businessmen had completely different ideas about what a business foundation is. Many believed and believe that the foundation of a business is the initial capital. But this is not the case; initial capital is a way to motivate others to help start a business, but not the basis of a business. Accordingly, it is rather difficult to reconstruct and realize the fact that the business is based on the idea that it is around the business idea that all other business processes are then built.
Difficult does not mean impossible. At one time, the concept of business did not exist at all; it was beyond the world outlook of people. Then it appeared, and the world view changed after its appearance. This proves that if you wish, you can change any ideas, the main thing is to have an incentive, and the incentive in our case is good – money. Maximum optimal business allows you to convert the maximum amount of energy a businessman into money.
Thus, the key to business optimization is the optimization of ideas about it in general and its foundation in particular.
The question may arise, and on what basis did the idea that the idea lies at the core of the business and can be considered as its foundation arose? The answer is simple and obvious. The idea lies at the core because first it is born, and then everything else.

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