Effective technology to eliminate competitors
One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Making…

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Oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war…

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Effective development of the dealer network
Development of the dealer network is necessary because dealers help to sell. The more of…

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Formula powerful and effective business
A business formula is a way to make money. There are a lot of options…


How the invisible hand of the market creates customers
There is an opinion that the invisible hand of the market is what controls the…


right idea into

Best Small Business Development Strategy

The most successful strategy for the development of small business is a bet on marketing. According to statistics, it is precisely those small enterprises that made a bet on him that feel and grow. The main problem of small business is the lack of clients and marketing it solves better than others. It is for this reason that competent small business owners choose marketing.
Marketing is not only a “magic wand” at a time when a small business is in distress, but also a kind of “yeast”, which can significantly accelerate the growth of a small company. Continue reading

Effective technology to eliminate competitors

One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Making a competitor leave the market is the dream of every businessman. Eliminating a competitor once and for all is the most cherished dream of any businessman. This can be done, and quite easily. It does not matter whether a strong competitor or weak, large or small.
You can make sure that any competitor leaves any market. A competitor will leave without a fight, in other words, it will not even be necessary to fight with him and spend money on it. Continue reading

Where to find customers for big sales

Where to find customers is a matter of concern to businessmen. They think about it on average 50 times a day. A businessman wakes up with the thought of where to get clients and goes to bed with this thought too. Sometimes a businessman even dreams of dreams, as he is looking for clients. In fact, the whole life of a businessman revolves around thoughts about customers.
Clients are the center of the businessman’s world. Why is that? It’s simple – business cannot exist without clients. Continue reading

How to export to rich countries
The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of…


Marketing as a business philosophy
Marketing as a business philosophy is the norm for a modern businessman. This is due…


The best system of staff remuneration
In this article I want to talk about the best of my known wage systems.…
