Proper start your own business
The proper start to your own business is to find a promising idea. A good…

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Proper start your own business
The proper start to your own business is to find a promising idea. A good…

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Effective development of the dealer network
Development of the dealer network is necessary because dealers help to sell. The more of…

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Effective way to improve business
Improving business is a necessity due to the fact that everything is flowing and changing.…


Oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war…


mentioned above


Getting started in the Forex market can be quite difficult, because a trader has to learn a lot of information, to get new skills – choosing a Forex strategy, choosing an indicator, a currency pair, a time period, requires certain practices and knowledge. That is why experienced traders advise beginners to first carefully examine and consider everything, and then work on a training account, having received at least a minimum of practical skills.
Forex terminology highlights such a notion as a warrant in trade. You can make a sale / purchase of a currency on the market either by requesting a quote, giving Sell or Buy commands, or by placing orders — certain sales / buying orders of a specific currency according to the rate you selected in advance. Orders can be of two types: it is a stop order (Stop Order), a limit order (Limit Order), sometimes referred to as Stop Loss, Stop Profit, Take Profit. Continue reading

Effective development of the dealer network

Development of the dealer network is necessary because dealers help to sell. The more of them, the, as a rule, higher sales. Therefore, the development of a dealer network for a company that wants to have high sales is one of the top priorities. Networks themselves do not develop, they need to be engaged in, investing time, money and other resources, you need to constantly look for new dealers.
The search for new dealers is quite a difficult task, because there are nuances here. The problem is that dealers are of two types. Continue reading

Marketing in a falling market

The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong political upheaval in the last few hundred years, every war, a change of government, and other similar disasters cause a decline in a particular country.
At the moment when this article is written, Russia is experiencing a downturn in the economy and a new flourishing of propaganda. In fact, right now nothing foreshadows the growth of financial indicators. We turned the whole world against us. Regardless of the reasons that drove our government and how justified it was, this is a fact. Continue reading

The core of the business as its basis
There is an opinion that any business is just the implementation of the “money -…


Creative method of generating ideas
A good idea is highly appreciated, but the problem is that it is difficult to…


Where to find customers for big sales
Where to find customers is a matter of concern to businessmen. They think about it…
