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What pay salary

Typically, topics are prompted by a “crowd under the windows” crowd of potential and permanent customers. When the wind conveys something to my ears that is shouted unanimously, I listen carefully. If it is not imagined, it means that fate dictates me another topic for an article. After that, I think – and if I have an answer to the sounded? When there is, I simply state what I would have told about this issue at the seminar. Well, or a little more.
A few weeks ago, my sensitive hearing caught the word that was repeated with enviable constancy: “Salary! Salary! How to pay salaries to employees? Leaning out the window, I can see private entrepreneurs with a staff of five people, and directors of many thousands of corporations, who, bringing gifts, ask the question: “What is the strength, brother?
How to pay wages in order to be competitive in the labor market, so that people are satisfied, and in order to be fair, and not to get into it yourself? ” I will answer with the words of the great: “Strength, brother, she is in the truth!” That is, I am for pay, proportional to the results obtained.
I will not long smear the liquid porridge on a clean table. Just describe some of the principles that you can consider and implement, if you find it logical.
I already wrote about the philosophical system formulated by L. Ron Hubbard, TO BE – TO DO – TO HAVE. These are the three components of the existence of anything, such as a person: he is someone (TO BE), being someone, he does something (TO DO), and as a result of actions he gets some result (HAVE). Some people are just someone, but they do nothing. These are the sick, we call them “chickens” (from the word BE). There are those who are obsessed with actions, his actions are chaotic, but the results – the cat cried. This less clinical case is called the “doer”. And there are nuggets – people aimed at the result. In order not to call them “imeteli” or “producers” (the costs of the great and mighty Russian language), we call them “creators”.
“Byteli” want a salary for who they are. “I am a minister, so pay me a high salary, and the results are not important.” I do not want to say anything about our ministers – they certainly are not. It is in the backward countries that reason.
“Workers” want a salary for action. There are many of those.
– I did the work from 9 to 17 – pay me.
– And where are the results?
– According to the labor code, you do not have to pay me for the results, but for the work performed. I drew a drawing. Pay.
– So you drew it, drawing something?
– Not. But I drew.
Familiar? This is a conversation with the “doiter”.
The creator wants to pay for the result. And this is the only fair approach.
I mentioned the types of employees just to illustrate the principle. If the payment system itself encourages creators, then there will not be any people in the organization, and workers can reconsider their life positions.
What is the salary of the so-called creator?
There are several ways to pay for the result. These are interest, bonuses, piece rates, options, etc.
Percentages are usually received by sellers or some production workers. The percentage wage system can be assigned from different amounts. Someone pays interest on the proceeds, someone from the net profit. Personally, I – from the trading margin. This is the most objective indicator.
Bonuses are another name for the word “bonus.” It seems to be clear. You give a person money above and above the promised (or as part of the promised) for achieving certain indicators, but this amount exceeds his usual salary.
Piece-rate payment is set arbitrarily, but equates to the volume of work performed. “For each submerged bag you get twenty rubles.”
Options come in many forms. The most common payment options with options are a promise to repurchase company shares at a fixed price (lower than the market price) and receive interest on the profits of the entire company as long as an employee is in the state.
There may be other forms of payment.
Salary is a legalized guarantee that an employee will receive his money anyway, even if he does not produce anything. Employee may be dismissed for non-production – this is yes. But the salary, if appointed, must pay. He cannot be reduced, nothing can be “cut off” from him in the form of punishment. High salaries – the dream of people and workers.
The best employees, whom only saw the light, dream not of high salaries, but of high percentages, giving you the opportunity to earn more than you can promise as a salary. For this, they are ready to play the game “as you sink and burst” and take the risk of piecework payment. If the employee is really worth something, he will consistently receive more than he would have received while sitting on a bare salary.
I knew one guy who was fired for what he received (sitting on a percentage payment, as a seller) more than ten thousand dollars a month. This is despite the fact that ten sellers of his department received an average of a thousand. The leaders either killed the toad, or they miscalculated the system – I did not go into details in that case. But the guy was obviously the creator.

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