Ways to improve business performance
Working as the most accurate clock and generating money in unlimited quantities business is the…

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Arrangement attic for home business can be done by hand. Attic is enough space in…

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Formula powerful and effective business
A business formula is a way to make money. There are a lot of options…

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Effective technology to eliminate competitors
One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Making…


What pay salary
Typically, topics are prompted by a “crowd under the windows” crowd of potential and permanent…


part contains general

Kinds of consulting for advanced businessmen

There are different types of consulting that a businessman can use if he is needed. In general, a businessman is a person who can do everything himself, absolutely everything, therefore consulting is rarely needed. This is what makes him different from the common man. In principle, business is to some extent the ability to do what others cannot do.
A businessman can do many things at once, immediately, because he has done them before and has the necessary experience. Continue reading

Marketing in a falling market

The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong political upheaval in the last few hundred years, every war, a change of government, and other similar disasters cause a decline in a particular country.
At the moment when this article is written, Russia is experiencing a downturn in the economy and a new flourishing of propaganda. In fact, right now nothing foreshadows the growth of financial indicators. We turned the whole world against us. Regardless of the reasons that drove our government and how justified it was, this is a fact. Continue reading

What pay salary

Typically, topics are prompted by a “crowd under the windows” crowd of potential and permanent customers. When the wind conveys something to my ears that is shouted unanimously, I listen carefully. If it is not imagined, it means that fate dictates me another topic for an article. After that, I think – and if I have an answer to the sounded? When there is, I simply state what I would have told about this issue at the seminar. Well, or a little more. Continue reading

Many have garages that they do not use and would like to organize a business…


Marketing in a falling market
The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong…


Professional business optimization
Optimization of business allows you to customize it so that it brings the maximum money,…
