How to find sources of profit
The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are…

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Even the most inexperienced novice trader understands that the ability to correctly identify a trend…

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Effective ways to increase profits
There are a million tips on how to increase profits. However, despite this, up to…

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The most effective protection against competitors
The prospects for the near future for most companies are not very bright, because the…


Improving the efficiency of business processes through digital transformation
How to improve business processes It is widely known that digital transformation is not something…


primary sector

How to export to rich countries

The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of how to sell to such regions and countries as Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, China and some others. An effective export strategy is always based on the knowledge of the mentality of the country or region with which you plan to work. Without this, failure is guaranteed to happen.
What is the basic difference between West and East? The East is a place in general scarce, where everything is lacking. This forms a deficient mentality that determines consumer habits, the concept of business and life in general, and the same economy. Continue reading

The most effective protection against competitors

The prospects for the near future for most companies are not very bright, because the only way to survive in the modern competitive world is to constantly attack. The best defense against competitors is attack, attack marketing, active marketing. If you don’t attack, they attack you. The most advanced players in all world markets know this and are actively using marketing.
At the same time, since they have achieved great success, it means that they are quite experienced “fighters”. Continue reading

How to find sources of profit

The main sources of profit change after the change in the economic level. We are currently moving from the fourth economic level to the fifth. Accordingly, very soon only businesses that are engaged in the creation of goods and the provision of services of the fifth economic level can have a good profit.
The levels of the economy are called sectors. Currently, there are 5 sectors: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, fivefold. At different times, each of these sectors was the “locomotive of the economy” and gave wealth and power to the owner of the respective assets, acted as a source of profit, power and recognition. Continue reading

Effective development of the dealer network
Development of the dealer network is necessary because dealers help to sell. The more of…


Ways to improve business performance
Working as the most accurate clock and generating money in unlimited quantities business is the…


Getting started in the Forex market can be quite difficult, because a trader has to…
