How to build a profitable business
The goal of any businessman is to have a profitable business. In order to build…

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How to build an effective business
An effective business is a business in which there is no shortage of consumers. There…

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Modern prospects of small business
The prospects of small business are connected with the understanding of the fact that it…

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As a businessman to leave the operating system and not to engage in micromanagement
The rules of how a businessman to stop doing stupid OSes, and to make a…


Effective ways of business development
Recently, two words have become fashionable and popular among businessmen: pump and pump. And these…


including problems

Ticket to the post-industrial economy

There are several types of economies, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to a post-industrial economy is one of our possible prospects if suitable conditions are put in place for this. They may or may not be formed, respectively, the transition may or may not take place. It depends on many factors.
Each type of economy is based on something. The hunting-gathering economy is built around mining: searching for berries, mushrooms, roots, nuts and other edibles, as well as hunting and fishing. This is the first level of the economy. Continue reading

The most effective protection against competitors
The prospects for the near future for most companies are not very bright, because the…


Ticket to the post-industrial economy
There are several types of economies, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to…


Mega-effective business control system
Having discovered a legal entity, many businessmen start to consider that they now have their…
