Marketing as a business philosophy
Marketing as a business philosophy is the norm for a modern businessman. This is due…

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Creative economics as a way to make money
A creative economy is a reality that has already come in developed countries and gradually…

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Proper start your own business
The proper start to your own business is to find a promising idea. A good…

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Professional business optimization
Optimization of business allows you to customize it so that it brings the maximum money,…


Many have garages that they do not use and would like to organize a business…


business slows down


Many have garages that they do not use and would like to organize a business there. In this article we will analyze business ideas with minimal investment in the garage, but with minimal investment. In large part, you can do without investments. Let’s take a closer look at 3 ideas in the garage.
Below we take a closer look at each idea in the garage. Before that, I would like to say that it is worth investing large financial resources, only in those activities in which you already have experience. Otherwise, you can lose all the money invested. Therefore, we recommend at the initial stage not to invest serious funds in the business. Continue reading


Getting started in the Forex market can be quite difficult, because a trader has to learn a lot of information, to get new skills – choosing a Forex strategy, choosing an indicator, a currency pair, a time period, requires certain practices and knowledge. That is why experienced traders advise beginners to first carefully examine and consider everything, and then work on a training account, having received at least a minimum of practical skills.
Forex terminology highlights such a notion as a warrant in trade. You can make a sale / purchase of a currency on the market either by requesting a quote, giving Sell or Buy commands, or by placing orders — certain sales / buying orders of a specific currency according to the rate you selected in advance. Orders can be of two types: it is a stop order (Stop Order), a limit order (Limit Order), sometimes referred to as Stop Loss, Stop Profit, Take Profit. Continue reading

How can you become a successful entrepreneur without higher education?

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, all these successful entrepreneurs do not have higher education, some of them tried to learn, but halfway through understood that this was not what they wanted and started their own business. Here it is necessary to take into account the times in which the above-mentioned people grew up, and that then, in fact, there were much more opportunities. In general, higher education is a rather important component in the development of any person, but today it is possible to become a successful entrepreneur without a diploma from a university. In the world, including in Russia, there are a large number of courses that will help you open your first business, teach you how to work with staff, and tell you about the basics of marketing. Continue reading

Internal marketing from professionals
A person is selfish, he always thinks about himself, about his own benefit. He only…


Where to find customers for big sales
Where to find customers is a matter of concern to businessmen. They think about it…


Marketing as the cause of the global crisis
Alexey Kudrin, Ilmar Rimshevich, Stanley Fisher, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Filat, George Soros. What do you…
