Professional business optimization
Optimization of business allows you to customize it so that it brings the maximum money,…

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Best Small Business Development Strategy
The most successful strategy for the development of small business is a bet on marketing.…

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How to export to rich countries
The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of…

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Ticket to the post-industrial economy
There are several types of economies, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to…


Kinds of consulting for advanced businessmen
There are different types of consulting that a businessman can use if he is needed.…


control system

Mega-effective business control system

Having discovered a legal entity, many businessmen start to consider that they now have their own business. Satisfied, they rub hands from understanding that now they will work for themselves, and not for their uncle. The desire to work for yourself and not for your uncle is a good desire, it should be encouraged. The more people who take responsibility, the better. However, there are nuances.
From a legal point of view, business really belongs to newly minted businessmen, and they really work for themselves. But the legal point of view is not the only one. Continue reading

Modern analysis of market opportunities
If there are few customers or a business has stalled, then it is time to…


The first and most important thing that future businessmen need to remember: it's never too…


Internal marketing from professionals
A person is selfish, he always thinks about himself, about his own benefit. He only…
