Even the most inexperienced novice trader understands that the ability to correctly identify a trend…

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Proper start your own business
The proper start to your own business is to find a promising idea. A good…

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Where guaranteed to take a lot of money
One of the questions that a person often asks himself is where to get a…

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The core of the business as its basis
There is an opinion that any business is just the implementation of the “money -…


Effective way to improve business
Improving business is a necessity due to the fact that everything is flowing and changing.…


enterprises that are

Marketing as the cause of the global crisis

Alexey Kudrin, Ilmar Rimshevich, Stanley Fisher, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Filat, George Soros. What do you think is common to all these people? No, this is not the six leaders from the Forbes list. All these people are united in talk about what the cause of the global crisis is. They agree that the crisis is a reality and they are trying to understand how to get out of it.
The answer to the question is known. Continue reading

A powerful technique for studying competitors

Studying competitors is a vital necessity. There are a lot of sayings on this score: “I would have known a redemption, I would have lived in Sochi”, “I would have known where I would fall, I would have laid straws”. The essence of the latest wisdom is that it is always useful to have information, which is reflected in the well-known expression that says that “Who owns the information, owns the world.”
To have information is always and everywhere useful. For example, if you know what the weather will be like, you can make a number of decisions: take an umbrella or not, wear very warm clothes or not very warm clothes. All this allows you to get rid of many unpleasant situations. Continue reading

Professional business optimization

Optimization of business allows you to customize it so that it brings the maximum money, responds well to the ideas and actions of a businessman and can learn the maximum of its energy. A businessman is a person who differs from an ordinary person by a very high level of internal energy. To assimilate all of its business should be as optimal as possible.
It should be noted that the energy of a businessman is a very valuable substance. It is more precious than gold, platinum and diamonds combined. Its high value is associated with rarity. Continue reading

Arrangement attic for home business can be done by hand. Attic is enough space in…


Learn the main secret of a successful business.
How to become a successful businessman? All you need to do to succeed is to…


Oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war…
