Getting started in the Forex market can be quite difficult, because a trader has to…

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Creative method of generating ideas
A good idea is highly appreciated, but the problem is that it is difficult to…

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Effective technology to eliminate competitors
One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Making…

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Marketing in a falling market
The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong…


Where guaranteed to take a lot of money
One of the questions that a person often asks himself is where to get a…


really make

Ways to improve business performance

Working as the most accurate clock and generating money in unlimited quantities business is the dream of all businessmen. This dream is realized only among those businessmen who are used to increase business efficiency. By itself, a business will never be effective. He needs help in this using a variety of tools.
Improving business efficiency through the business legma is one of the newest trends. This method is good because it allows you to improve business efficiency at the level of his ideas. It is the idea that is the basis of any business and you can get an effective business only if you know this idea well and pump it.
Many businesses are ineffective only because they are conducted at the level of thought, and not at the level of an idea. Often a businessman thinks that the thought that came into his head is an idea and he puts it at the core of his business. However, this is often not an idea, but just a thought. those. only 1% of the idea. To build an effective business based on thought is impossible in principle. Continue reading

Formula powerful and effective business

A business formula is a way to make money. There are a lot of options to make money now. Each of them requires a different amount of investment, gives a different result and with a different speed. However, there is the most popular formula that most businessmen use, because it is cheap enough and at the same time gives a quick result.
At a time when speed decides everything and money is needed urgently – it is most in demand. For this reason, most modern bizemen choose it. Continue reading

The best system of staff remuneration

In this article I want to talk about the best of my known wage systems. For many years I was an opponent of the salary system and advocated people being paid for piecework. Fixed pay affects staff like vodka on an alcoholic: always desirable and most destructive. The seller should receive interest, I considered, the production worker – on development, the rest – small salaries and large premiums. Today I have revised my views and am no longer a loyal supporter of these systems. I found myself another – fresher and more interesting. Continue reading

The most effective protection against competitors
The prospects for the near future for most companies are not very bright, because the…


Best Small Business Development Strategy
The most successful strategy for the development of small business is a bet on marketing.…


Head rude mistakes in low income conditions
Recently, a businessman can easily find an adviser on any issue. Each consultant proves that…
